
Please select the game with which you'd like help.

Piano Prodigy

Q. What keyboards are compatible with Piano Prodigy?

A. Any Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 compatible USB MIDI keyboard should work with Piano Prodigy, as long as Windows works with the keyboard, so will Piano Prodigy.
Here are some USB keyboards that we highly recommend:

M Audio


We also highly recommend Yamaha USB Midi keyboards.

Keyboard test programs are available for Windows and macOS to help see whether your keyboard should be recognized by the game. Click here to download for Windows. Click here to download for Mac.

Q. Where can I purchase colored stickers for my keyboard?

A. We recommend these plastic ‘removable’ stickers for your keyboard. They made of plastic and are sold by This particular product very closely matches the keyboard/note colors in our game:

Q. Where is the printable booklet for Piano Prodigy and Professor Bunsen Teaches Piano?

A. The printable booklet can be downloaded here.

Q. I am having trouble running the game. It keeps saying that it’s installing, but it won’t run.

A. A common issue is that customers will keep running the game’s installer over and over, but please keep in mind that the ‘installer program’ is very different from the game program. Take a look on your Desktop or inside your Start Menu for the Piano Prodigy game icon (not the installer icon).

Q. How do I find ‘middle C’?

A. The middle C note is the red key nearest the center of the keyboard.

Q. How do I know if I’m playing the notes correctly?

A. When a child plays a note correctly, you can see a fun ‘particle effect’ animation over the corresponding keyboard key. The score will also be increased.

Q. The game has issues loading.

A. Are you sure it’s a legally licensed version of the game? The game requires a proper registration code to run. If it’s not an official licensed version, it will stop running at some point, so please make sure you have a legally purchased version of the software. Are you sure you have a legally licensed version of Windows running? Unlicensed versions of Windows may cause trouble with running versions of our game.

Q. Windows won’t recognize the USB MIDI keyboard.

A. Please make sure the correct and most up-to-date version of the MIDI drivers are installed. Contact the keyboard manufacturer for additional support in getting Windows to recognize your keyboard. Make sure you have a legal and up-to-date version of Windows 7, 8 or 10.

Q. Is it possible to have 2 different students use the same version of this game?

A. Absolutely. The game allows up to 6 different students to ‘log in’ by selecting their user name from the Piano Prodigy game menu. This way, a family with more than one child only needs to purchase a single copy of Piano Prodigy, but it can track every child’s progress separately.

Q. Are there more than the 55 lessons available for Piano Prodigy?

A. We are working on additional lessons to be released in the future. This includes both intermediate and expert lessons packs.

Q. How can I purchase the ‘Holiday’ version of Piano Prodigy?

A. The special edition Holiday Piano Prodigy will be available soon. We will place a link to how to purchase it here, and on our main web site when it’s ready.

Q. How does my child ‘log in’ to the game?

A. From the main menu, select the ‘Profiles’ button and chose the profiles’s name from the list. If you need to add a new student to the game, simply select the ‘Add’ button and enter the child’s name. The software will keep track of progress made by different students, so that parents only need to purchase 1 version of the game. Note to schools: If schools wish to track multiple student’s progress, they will need to purchase a site license from The Prodigy Factory, Inc. Please contact us via our contact form here:

Q. I am from the press and this software is really neat. How can we get a live demo on air?

A. Please contact our marketing department via this form:

Q. How can I copy my progress from one computer to another?

A. Transferring any user data from one computer to another is not supported at this time.

Q. Why is the game asking for my registration code again after updating to a new version of the game?

A. This is sometimes needed due to differences between versions of a game.

Professor Bunsen Teaches Math

Q. I am having trouble running the game. It keeps saying that it’s installing, but it won’t run.

A. A common issue is that customers will keep running the game’s installer over and over, but please keep in mind that the ‘installer program’ is very different from the game program. Take a look on your Desktop or inside your Start Menu for the Professor Bunsen Teaches Math game icon (not the installer icon).

Q. The game has issues loading.

A. Are you sure it’s a legally licensed version of the game? The game requires a proper registration code to run. If it’s not an official licensed version, it will stop running at some point, so please make sure you have a legally purchased version of the software. Are you sure you have a legally licensed version of Windows running? Unlicensed versions of Windows may cause trouble with running versions of our game.

Q. Is it possible to have 2 different students use the same version of this game?

A. Absolutely. The game allows up to 6 different students to ‘log in’ by selecting their user name from the Professor Bunsen Teaches Math game menu. This way, a family with more than one child only needs to purchase a single copy of Professor Bunsen Teaches Math for a given grade, but it can track every child’s progress separately.

Q. How does my child ‘log in’ to the game?

A. From the main menu, select the ‘Profiles’ button and chose the profiles’s name from the list. If you need to add a new student to the game, simply select the ‘Add’ button and enter the child’s name. The software will keep track of progress made by different students, so that parents only need to purchase 1 version of the game for a given grade. Note to schools: If schools wish to track multiple student’s progress, they will need to purchase a site license from The Prodigy Factory, Inc. Please contact us via our contact form here:

Q. I am from the press and this software is really neat. How can we get a live demo on air?

A. Please contact our marketing department via this form:

Q. How can I copy my progress from one computer to another?

A. Transferring any user data from one computer to another is not supported at this time.

Q. Why is the game asking for my registration code again after updating to a new version of the game?

A. This is sometimes needed due to differences between versions of a game.

Q. Why does the game say my email address does not match the registration code for my subscription?

A. If you're using a subscription, you must provide the same email address when starting or managing the subscription, when getting your registration code, and when asked by the game. If you change the email address of your subscription, you will need to get a new registration code from the same download link included in the confirmation email from when you started the subscription. The new registration code and email address can then be entered either when the game asks for them or by clicking the "Change Registration Code" button in the game's Options menu.